This project is aimed at building acommunity by inspiring young male and female future tourist guides / drivers in schools through donating travel magazines, cameras,jackets,hats, shoes binoculars , bags bicycles,computers,clothes art work,beads. Phones,tablets, camping gears and tents.

On our safaris to the remote areas,we use this opportunity to give out these items to different Young males and females that we fnd in the community schools. around the park.These donations when distrubed,when put to use inspires and educates. For example ,they can use the cameras to take photos,this inspires future photrager, when we give them the binoculars, it inspires the future birders,, language interpreter books, this inspires them to learn the language of your country.

We are very grateful to all our friends and fans from allover the world for your continued support. Our work would not be possible without your support. We welcome any support in-kind or through donations (funds, electronics, recorders, books, filming and photography gear).

For equipment and books support, kindly send us an email ( .

Call: +256 750 410686